Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New School Taggers sited in Tel Aviv

The last night in Tel Aviv, I took my camera, walked through the streets and took photos of the urban art. I must confess, I enjoyed this different style of viewing the city, but I still couldn't stop thinking of my middle school boyfriend who used to tag on the weekends. Somehow, I don't think he tagged smiley faces like this.

It took me a while to get the right light and angle to make this one visible... It' s high on a wall, between two buildings and I've only had a camera for about two months (with a ten year hiatus in betwixt my last camera.) Anyway, I like that there was "Know Hope" underlined by "broken hears recollect themselves while distracted."

This guy was hidden behind a big pile of trash.

I didn't "mean" to get the reflection, but it looks pretty good to me.

That monkey is listening to an ipod!

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