Vacations as a kid took two forms:
1. Trips to the beach in the motorhome with Nana.
2. Driving around in the Volkswagon Bus with the rainbow on the sides, trying to get Cas to leave me alone, and stopping at random plaques on the side of the road so my Daddy could read about Historic Route 66, Lewis and Clarke's groudbreaking trek across the new world, or Juniperro Serra and the California Missions.
Oh, the California Missions. One such trip ended when Daddy asked me if I wanted to stop by a mission we were going to pass, and I replied with, "I don't want to see any more old, dead Indians." I was six. My, how I have changed.
This weekend, my friend Devra flew in from CA and we rented a MINI and ran for the hills with nothing planned but driving around, stopping at the pubs and churches and little towns that dot the English countryside above Oxford.
The only thing they had left was a stick. The last time I really drove a stick I was with Eric Blackshear in his topless jeep wrangler in 1997. He taught me the basics in the Vons parking lot, and practiced on the way to Ojai to get icecream. But, Devra prodded me through the nervousness with, "You can do anything. You beat cancer." You can't really say no to that. So, within 20 minutes of picking up the car, I was bumper to bumper in Notting Hill, and on my way to the M4.
We stopped for tea and sweets.
And, to check out the Nerd-a-licious site at this church in Stow-on-the-Wold (the actual city name, next to Bourne-on-the-Water, and Chipping Camden) where Tolkien hiked around and spent lots of time writing and sketching. The back door is storied as the inspiration for the Gates of Moria -- with it's two ancient Yews.
I think I might just have to get a MINI of my own when money allows.
WOW! I can't believe you drove a stick! Why didn't Devra drive? What a great trip. Must be nice to have a friend who is happy to randomly travel with you like that. You must have LOVED it. Did you eat well? Surprised there were no stories of spotted dick, of toad in the hole.
you've always loved those mini's- but a stick with the steering wheel on the right? wow, I'm amazed!
I was the one insured on the car, so no Devra.
We ate well, of course. :) Ploughman's lunch, Whitefish for dinner... Italian lunch.
Maybe I should rename this blog "Eating my way through Europe..."
I think I may have driven Eric's Jeep in high school as well. Although I will boast that I am an excellent stick driver. No pun intended.
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